Conductivity Measuring Electrodes in the measurement, control and automation technology from Schunk Carbon Technology

Conductivity Measuring Electrodes

In the measurement, control and automation technology of liquids, our conductivity measuring electrodes have proven themselves around the world. The synthetic resin-impregnated electrographite used features considerable advantages over other materials, e.g. physiological harmlessness, high chemical resistance, no drift and long-term stability. Electrical contact of the electrodes can occur via stamped-in cables or through soldering to previously electroplated copper and tin layers.

You benefit from these advantages:

  • Synthetic resin-impregnated electrographite
  • Physiologically harmless, high chemical resistance
  • Long-term stability and no drift
  • Proven in use around the world
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Brochure: Conductivity Measuring Electrode
Brochure: Conductivity Measuring Electrode

Superior graphite material: long-term stability and no drift

Brochure: Black Magic
Brochure: Black Magic

Perfect Protection against Contamination and Wear



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